Selling Your Self in a Service Business

If you are a consultant or you are in a service business one of the most important things you need to do is to place yourself in confidence in the customer’s mind. This is not as easy as it sounds of course however if you fail to do this you cannot expect to get the account or the client. And even if you do get the client it will only be for a short period until someone else comes along who can provide peace of mind for the customer.

Selling yourself in a service business is very important and some people take its to the extreme and end up trying to use trickery or fake-ness. If you are selling to another business and you are approaching a business owner generally the business owner will see through your trickery and your professional attire.

If you string along the Bull too much they will just consider you another fast-talking, smooth salesperson. Having been in business for 27 years and met many a person that try to snow me; let me tell you this brings hatred into the mind of your customer.

Simply acting professional and wearing a suit and tie is not selling your self. You must be very careful in how you approach your clients and customers. Your customer must know you know what you are talking about and they must feel confident in your abilities. How can anyone feel confident when you are BS ing them? Play it smart stock using trickery and the BS, listen more and know what you are talking about. Excuses and BS walk. Consider this a 2006.